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Things to know about Uncle Sam

This is a work-in-progress list that I keep updating and adding to as I read or watch more things. These topics are very complex that an infinite amount of links won’t do it justice. As you will notice from the resources that I list, I am totally biased. So please take this with a grain of salt and be critical of my choices because they are one-sided. On this note I would like to acknowledge the Tutelo/Monacan people whose land I am currently writing, learning, and living on.

1. Uncle Sam likes taking lands not his and calling him his

2. Uncle Sam likes his guns, and his slaves

3. Uncle Sam is rich enough to pay for his own health care

4. Yet Uncle Sam doesn’t really care about his health

But Uncle Sam, you know what! I love the houses in Georgetown, the mountains in Virginia, the food in Texas, the cleanliness of Chicago, the messiness of NY, and the kind people everywhere.

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